On Wed, 25 May 2016 03:44:52 +0200
Daniel Kowalski <kowal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I downgraded openocd to v0.8.0 (compiled from sources) and it works
> correctly (catches breakpoint). I had to change probe to jlink and
> transport to jtag (I was using Jtag Lock-pick tiny 2 with SWD - FTDI
> based), but it makes no difference to openocd 0.9.0.
> I will try bisecting this tomorrow.
> Daniel

OK, I found the culprit - my openocd script, thanks for assistance. 

It may just as well be bug in openocd - i think it should not behave
this way

Debugging works correctly when I remove last script line (program).
I don't know why debugger is stuck in half-working state after flashing

I noticed that attaching with openocd to running target without
programming flash memory causes led on probe to flash continuously
(indicates that it is in debugging state?), but after programming led
is off, I can still send commands to target through gdb, it halts,
continues, sets breakpoints, breaks on them, etc. but does not respond
to interrupt requests, and openocd misses halt on breakpoints events.

I recall that this worked in the past (debug after flashing), and i
used openocd with single script (with program line inside) like this:

for just flashing chip:
openocd -f scripts/stm32.cfg -c "exit"

and for debugging new image:
openocd -f scripts/stm32.cfg

Maybe it should switch probe to appropriate mode after flashing or
shutdown automatically (v0.8.0 dit this even without exit command -
that's why I removed program line and everything worked)?

script I used:
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333

# Jlink
# source [find interface/jlink.cfg]

# Jtag Lock Pick
source [find interface/ftdi/jtag-lock-pick_tiny_2.cfg]

# serial of debug adapter
#ftdi_serial FTYHIMUW

# transport select jtag
transport select swd

# JTAG speed should be <= F_CPU/6. F_CPU after reset is 8MHz, so use
F_JTAG = 1MHz adapter_khz 1000

adapter_nsrst_delay 100

# only for JTAG
# jtag_ntrst_delay 100

source [find target/stm32l1.cfg]

program build/MinSizeRel/firmware.elf verify reset  



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