Paul Fertser writes:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 11:21:00AM +0200,
> wrote: 
> > Rejecting non-ST MCU probably has also a deeper impact. The need to
> > read the MCUID! This has often problems when in sleep or even when in
> > reset. Even with stprog, STLINKV3 often does to to a board the
> > STLINK-V2(1) had no probblem.
> I'm surprised I get no constructive feedback on this ticket. Now that
> it's trivial to try a firmware with patched-out IDCODE check why isn't
> anybody trying that?

This is caused probably by different interpretations of "trivial" ...
Uwe Bonnes      

Institut fuer Kernphysik  Schlossgartenstrasse 9  64289 Darmstadt
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** [tickets:#275] ST-Link v3 refuses to work with non-ST targets, RE help 

**Status:** new
**Milestone:** 0.9.0
**Created:** Fri Jul 24, 2020 04:26 PM UTC by Paul Fertser
**Last Updated:** Fri Jul 24, 2020 04:26 PM UTC
**Owner:** Paul Fertser

For the reasons yet to be discovered, ST-Link v3 is not connecting to the 
Cortex-M targets not produced by ST. There's likely a way to fix this by 
patching the firmware, and thanks to the amazing effort by some community 
members patching and uploading patched versions of the firmware is now 
relatively easy.
First, a word of warning: V3J6M2 firmware will enable permanent protection 
level 2, so you won't be able to debug ST-Link itself over SWD on this chip 
ever (reflashing via the bootloader would still be possible though). V3J2-V3J5 
are known to not enable any additional protection.
How to patch the firmware:
1. Download an official zip archive, the rest of this post refers to
 (or you can get from the official ST website if 
you are ready to register with them);
2. Clone and use it to decrypt (and later 
encrypt prior to uploading) file f3_1.bin from STLinkUpgrade.jar, the key is ' 
3. Start radare2 like this: r2 -a arm -b 16 -m 0x08020000 f3_1.bin.dec (of 
course, you can use any other RE tool you like, just set it to assume Thumb* 
instructions and 0x08020000 base address);
4. Start browsing around and doing your cool RE magic as you're used to. Of 
specific interest might be the function at 0x08023df8 (called from functions at 
0x08025c90 and 0x08025b8e). It checks values located at 0xE0042000 (IDCODE of 
certain F1, F2, L1, L4, G4 devices), 0x40015800 (certain F1, L0, G0 parts), 
0x5C001000 (H7 parts). I've checked the latter address and it's present just 
once in the whole binary and is referenced only from this single function. So 
chances are this is the one doing the dirty job and so it (or its call sites) 
can be easily patched to improve interoperability with all Cortex-M contollers.
I'm lacking v3 hardware to test it myself but I'm ready to assist with digging 
and trying things.


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