Hi Paul and Liviu, 

> What happens if you use stm32f0x.cfg config? 

Then I get the following problem: 

** Programming Started ** 
Error: Cannot identify target as a stm32x 
Error: auto_probe failed 
embedded:startup.tcl:1524: Error: ** Programming Failed ** 
in procedure 'program' 
in procedure 'program_error' called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 1589 
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 1524 

> I have experience with APM32F103CBT6, it works fine with the existing 
> script, just needs an ID for a newer Cortex-M variant to be set, can 
> be done without modifying the stm32f1x.cfg at all, just by setting the 
> variable beforehand. 

Great! But where can I find the ID for the MCU? How do I change it in 
the config file? 

Kind regards, 
Kristof Mulier 

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