> -- cut --
>  > version
> Open On-Chip Debugger 0.2.0-in-development (2009-05-17-07:51) svn:1800
>  > omap3.cpu mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
>  > ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
> invalid command name "ocd_mem2array_dataval"
> called at file "command.c", line 453
> called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 89
> called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 93
> -- cut --
> Most probably I do some stupid thing wrong here, but I can't see it at
> the moment :(

Try w/svn head. Seems to work fine here:

Open On-Chip Debugger
> ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
Target not examined yet
mem2array: Read @ 0x54011000, w=4, cnt=1, failed
> targets
    CmdName    Type       Endian     AbsChainPos Name          State
--  ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------
 0: at91eb40a.cpu arm7tdmi   little              0  at91eb40a.cpu unknown
> at91eb40a.cpu mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
Target not examined yet
mem2array: Read @ 0x54011000, w=4, cnt=1, failed

Øyvind Harboe
Embedded software and hardware consulting services
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