???? > ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1

FYI - I wrote the original JimTCL memory functions here last year, sadly 
my documentation level sort of sucks eh?

The intent was to *NEVER* really expose "ocd_mem2array" that was a 
builder function. Based on my quick read of what you are doing you 
should source the file "memory.tcl" or mmr_helpers.tcl

Do this in your CONFIGURE script:

        source [find  tcl/memory.tcl]

That file has a number of functions like:   "memread32  ADDRESS"

By design, it handles various errors.

You might also take a look around find the files:  "stm32_regs.tcl" - 
and some sam7 versions.


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