Xiaofan Chen wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Gene Smith <g...@chartertn.net> wrote:
>> I can't answer your questions but can only add another jlink question. I
>> know very little about the jlink. I have a yellow jlink that says "jlink
>> ks, IAR Systems" on the front (ks = kickstart?). On the back it says
>> J-Link-ARM-KS Serial Number 10001576. No idea of the rev level or
>> processor it contains (it is borrowed).
> http://www.segger.com/download_jlink.html
> You can download the beta software for Linux. Here is what I get
> for the V6 Jlink.

Yes, found it too.

> mc...@ubuntu904:~/Desktop/build/openocd/jlink$ ./start
> SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.03a ('?' for help)
> Compiled Feb  2 2009 11:34:21
> Updating firmware:  J-Link ARM V6 compiled Jan 15 2009 11:58:34
Mine says: Updating firmware: J-Link compiled Feb 20 2006 18:20:20 -- 
Update --
> Replacing firmware: J-Link ARM V6 compiled Dec 03 2007 17:34:18
Mine says: Replacing firmware J-Link compiled Dec 2 2004 09:13:33
> Waiting for new firmware to boot
> New firmware booted successfully
> ****** Error: Communication timed out after firmware update
> DLL version V4.03a, compiled Feb  2 2009 11:34:13
> Unable to retrieve firmware info !
> S/N : 156007287
Mine says: S/N : -3

WARNING: No matching core found. Selecting default core (ARM7)

*** Error: could not read hardware status!
JTAG speed: 5 Hhz
Green LED goes off then *don't* see exactly what you see:
> VTarget = 3.248V
> Info: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
> WARNING: Identified core does not match configuration. (Found: ARM7,
> Configured: None)
> Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4:
>  Id of device #0: 0x4F1F0F0F
> Found ARM with core Id 0x4F1F0F0F (ARM7)
>   ETM V1.2: 1 pairs addr.comp, 0 data comp, 4 MM decs, 1 counters
> RTCK reaction time is approx. 126ns
> Using adaptive clocking instead of fixed JTAG speed.
>> The evaluation board I am
>> connecting it to is IAR (made by Olimex) STR712 (ARM7TDMI). Should this
>> work with openocd? If so, what is the correct linux/bash command line?
>> It works OK with IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart for ARM 4.30A on
>> windows. Right now whether the board is powered on or off or even if the
>> jtag cable is connected or not all I see is:
>> sudo ./openocd -f target/interface/jlink -f target/target/str710.cfg
>> Error: J-Link Command 0x01 failed (-2)
>> Error: J-Link command EMU_CMD_VERSION failed (-110)
>> <repeated 3 times>
>> Info : J-Link initial read failed, don't worry  <-- actually, need to worry!
>> Info : J-Link JTAG Interface ready
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdd failed (-2)
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdf failed (-2)
>> Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit. GDB alive
>> packet not sent! (9190). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
>> Error: J-Link setting speed failed (-2)
>> Error: There are no enabled taps?
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdd failed (-2)
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdf failed (-2)
>> Error: usb_bulk_write failed (requested=6, result=-2)
>> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
>> Error: usb_bulk_write failed (requested=6, result=-2)
>> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdd failed (-2)
>> Error: J-Link command 0xdf failed (-2)
>> Error: usb_bulk_write failed (requested=6, result=-2)
>> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
>> Error: There are no enabled taps?
>> Warn : no telnet port specified, using default port 4444
>> Warn : no gdb ports allocated as no target has been specified
>> Warn : no tcl port specified, using default port 6666
>> Info : accepting 'telnet' connection from 0
>> Error: J-Link command 0x01 failed (-2)
>> (Then I can telnet but can do nothing useful.)
> Similar error message here with latest svn version but it seems to work.
> mc...@ubuntu904:~/Desktop/build/openocd/jlinknew$ openocd -f 
> openocd_lpc2148.cfg
> Open On-Chip Debugger 0.2.0-in-development (2009-05-18-19:51) svn:1809
> BUGS? Read http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk/BUGS
> $URL: svn://svn.berlios.de/openocd/trunk/src/openocd.c $
> jtag_speed: 15
> force hard breakpoints
> Error: J-Link command EMU_CMD_VERSION failed (-110)

But I see three re-tries on this at all fail. Yours seems to only fail 
once. Then yours seems to do useful stuff:

> Info : J-Link ARM V6 compiled Dec 03 2007 17:34:18
> Info : JLink caps 0xf7fbf
> Info : JLink max mem block 9992
> Info : Vref = 3.248 TCK = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 0 TMS = 0 SRST = 1 TRST = 1
> Info : J-Link JTAG Interface ready
> Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit. GDB alive
> packet not sent! (3104). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in
> Error: usb_bulk_read failed (requested=1, result=-110)
> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
> Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit. GDB alive
> packet not sent! (3012). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in
> Error: usb_bulk_read failed (requested=1, result=-110)
> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
> Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit. GDB alive
> packet not sent! (3237). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in
> Error: usb_bulk_read failed (requested=1, result=-110)
> Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
> Warn : no tcl port specified, using default port 6666
> Info : accepting 'telnet' connection from 0
>      TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen
> IrCap  IrMask Instr
> ---|--------------------|---------|------------|------------|------|------|------|---------
>  0 | lpc2148.cpu        |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x4f1f0f0f | 0x04 |
> 0x01 | 0x0f | 0x0f
> mc...@ubuntu904:~/Desktop/build/openocd/jlinknew$ telnet localhost 4444
> Trying ::1...
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Open On-Chip Debugger
>> scan_chain
>      TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen
> IrCap  IrMask Instr
> ---|--------------------|---------|------------|------------|------|------|------|---------
>  0 | lpc2148.cpu        |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x4f1f0f0f | 0x04 |
> 0x01 | 0x0f | 0x0f

My libusb on my fedora 8 is libusb-0.1.12-10.fc8. Do you think I might 
need a newer libusb? That is the last version it updated to.

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