Freddie Chopin a écrit :

> The "overhead" of C++ is also doubtful - when you know "how to do it"
> the overhead will be 0. BTW you also need to know "how to do it" to
> write C++-in-C, so...

... and this overhead is 0 when you know "how to do it", isn't it? :)

More seriously: I don't favor C over C++ or C# or CMaj11 or whatever. 

> Why everyone sees only the bad sides of C++ and completely forgets the 
> good ones? Templates? Stronger compilation-time-error-checks? Easier 
> error handling? Easier abstraction? Easier polymorphism? Easier - well - 
> everything?

A possible retort might be "why does every C+ proponent push C++ as the 
solution to what may not actually be enough of a problem to require C++ 
in the first place?"

If OpenOCD as it stands does *suffer* from its being written in C, then 
rewriting it in another language might be *a* solution, and C++ might be 
*a* language to rewrite it into--as might be, for instance, D.

But before offering a solution, my engineer, idealist, spirit suggests 
identifying the problem(s) first, and determining if their root cause is 
the programming language used... or not.

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