On Wed, 9 Dec 2009, Freddie Chopin wrote:

> Nicolas Pitre pisze:
> > What limitations?
> > 
> > I never considered the C language to bare any limitations what so ever.  
> > You can do much more in C, and with way more control and performance, 
> > than with most other languages.  The inconvenient is that C requires 
> > better programming skills.
> > 
> > And C is amenable to object oriented programming just fine.
> Now replace "C" with "assembler" - this will still be perfectly true, 
> but are there any sane ppl who write software for PC in assembly?

Assembler is not portable while C is.  And my focus when writing code is 
rarely restricted to PCs.

And C is still more portable than C++ by far.

So saying that C is limited is just B/S.

> Why everyone sees only the bad sides of C++ and completely forgets the 
> good ones? Templates? Stronger compilation-time-error-checks? Easier 
> error handling? Easier abstraction? Easier polymorphism? Easier - well - 
> everything?

Probably because the bad sides of C++ are just too easy to run into.

Personally, I don't see the "bad sides" of C++.  I simply don't care 
about C++ at all as I don't need it. And incidentally I don't see the 
need for C++ for OpenOCD either.

But this is Open Source and anyone who feels differently can fork the 
code and make it fully C++. As far as my own contributions go, they will 
be directed to the C version only.

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