Full_Name: Vinod Kutty Version: openpkg 1.2.0 / openssh 3.5p1-1.2.0 OS: Solaris 9 Submission from: (NULL) (
Does openpkg's rc script depend on /usr/ucb/whoami ? Is there a better way to check simply that a user has effective id root? I'd like to avoid having to add /usr/ucb to root's PATH if possible, and more importantly avoid probs with 'su' vs. 'su -', etc. In this case I'm logged in as 'guest' then did an 'su -' to root, which has a minimal environment. ------------------------------- # pwd /plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/RPM/PKG # /plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/etc/rc openssh start /plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/etc/rc:ERROR: require root priviledges to run `/plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/etc/rc.d/rc.openssh:start' as user `root' # id uid=0(root) gid=1(other) # echo $PATH /usr/sbin:/usr/bin # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ucb # echo $PATH /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb # /plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/etc/rc openssh start # ps -ef |fgrep -i ssh root 5945 1 3 14:02:56 ? 0:01 /plocal/apps/opkg/1.x/bin/sshd # # ../../bin/rpm -qa perl-5.6.1-1.1.1 gcc-3.2-1.1.0 openpkg-tool-1.2.0-1.2.0 zlib-1.1.4-1.2.0 jpeg-6b-1.2.0 fsl-1.0.7-1.2.1 make-3.79.1-1.1.0 openpkg-1.2.0-1.2.0 wget-1.8.2-1.1.1 freetype-2.1.3-1.2.0 png-1.2.5-1.2.0 gd-2.0.11-1.2.0 openssl-0.9.7-1.2.0 x11-1.2.0-1.2.0 openssh-3.5p1-1.2.0 # # who am i guest pts/4 Feb 9 19:37 (laptop-a) # whoami root # ------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________ The OpenPKG Project www.openpkg.org Developer Communication List [EMAIL PROTECTED]