I checked and indeed these did add syslog entries:

 logger -p mail.info foo
 logger -p mail.notice foo!

I suspect there is some syntax error in the fsl.postfix file as it stops logging to 
the file when I make the change too. In fact the following would not log to the 
postfix.log file either:

##  fsl.postfix -- OSSP fsl configuration for Postfix

ident (postfix/.+)/.+ q{
#    debug: syslog(
#       target="remote",
#       remotehost="localhost",
#       ident="postfix",
#       facility="mail"
#    );
        prefix="%b %d %H:%M:%S %N <%L> $1[%P]: "
    -> {
        debug: file(
            append=1, perm=0644

whereas this would:

##  fsl.postfix -- OSSP fsl configuration for Postfix
#    debug: syslog(
#       target="remote",
#       remotehost="localhost",
#       ident="postfix",
#       facility="mail"
#    );

ident (postfix/.+)/.+ q{
        prefix="%b %d %H:%M:%S %N <%L> $1[%P]: "
    -> {
        debug: file(
            append=1, perm=0644

Any idea what the syntax error might be? I can't find any record of the error in 
parsing the fsl file.

Martin Andrews

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ralf S. 
> Engelschall
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 2:44 AM
> Subject: Re: trouble forwarding fsl to syslog
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2003, mandrews wrote:
> > I am trying to make fsl forward messages to syslog and 
> having no luck.
> > I am working with the postfix package. I editied 
> fsl.postfix to what I
> > though would duplicate messages to syslog. I verified that 
> mail.debug
> > messages were being logged by syslogd using logger - even 
> from a remote
> > machine in case syslogd was not allowing network connections:
> >
> >     logger -p  mail.debug hi
> >
> > Here is my fsl.postfix - am I missing something. I don't even get
> > messages in the /opt/openpkg/var/postfix/log/postfix.log file now!
> The question is whether also "logger -p mail.info foo" and "logger -p
> mail.notice foo" results in being correctly logged. If this 
> works, I've
> currently no clue why your fsl.postfix does not work as expected.

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