On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 07:18:38AM +0100, Michael van Elst wrote:

> rpm --rebuild --define 'with_php yes' --define 'with_php_mysql yes' apache

That should have been:  'with_mod_php yes' and 'with_mod_php_mysql yes'.

To find out what options you have for a package you may query it, e.g.:

rpm -qip ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/current/SRC/apache-1.3.29-20040311.src.rpm

Name:    apache                      Source RPM:   (none)
Version: 1.3.29                      Packager:     The OpenPKG Project
Release: 20040311                    Build Host:   dv1.dev.de.cw.net
Group:   Web                         Build System: ix86-freebsd4.9
Distrib: OpenPKG                     Build Time:   Thu Mar 11 13:27:51 2004
License: ASF                         Relocations:  (not relocateable)
Vendor:  Apache Software Foundation  Install Size: 9515594 bytes
URL:     http://httpd.apache.org/    Install Time: (not installed)
Summary: Apache HTTP Server
    The Apache Project is a collaborative software development effort
    aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and
    freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.
    The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located
    around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate,
    plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. These
    volunteers are known as the Apache Group. In addition, hundreds
    of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the
    apache::with_suexec = yes
    apache::with_suexec_caller = openpkg-dev-n
    apache::with_suexec_userdir = public_html
    apache::with_suphp = no
    apache::with_suphp_caller = openpkg-dev-n
    apache::with_suphp_phpcgi = /openpkg-dev/cgi/php
    apache::with_mod_ssl = no
    apache::with_mod_perl = no
    apache::with_mod_php = no
    apache::with_mod_dav = no
    apache::with_mod_layout = no
    apache::with_mod_macro = no
    apache::with_mod_auth_ldap = no
    apache::with_mod_auth_mysql = no
    apache::with_mod_auth_pam = no
    apache::with_mod_gzip = no
    apache::with_mod_fastcgi = no
    apache::with_mod_throttle = no
    apache::with_mod_access_referer = no
    apache::with_mod_roaming = no
    apache::with_mod_relocate = no
    apache::with_mod_security = no
    apache::with_mod_dosevasive = no
    apache::with_mod_php_calendar = no
    apache::with_mod_php_mysql = no
    apache::with_mod_php_pgsql = no
    apache::with_mod_php_gd = no
    apache::with_mod_php_bdb = no
    apache::with_mod_php_debug = no
    apache::with_mod_php_pdflib = no
    apache::with_mod_php_zlib = no
    apache::with_mod_php_bzip2 = no
    apache::with_mod_php_ssl = no
    apache::with_mod_php_openldap = no
    apache::with_mod_php_openldapsasl = no
    apache::with_mod_php_mm = no
    apache::with_mod_php_pcre = no
    apache::with_mod_php_ftp = no
    apache::with_mod_php_java = no
    apache::with_mod_php_oci7 = no
    apache::with_mod_php_oci8 = no
    apache::with_mod_php_freetype = no
    apache::with_mod_php_gettext = no
    apache::with_mod_php_imap = no
    apache::with_mod_php_xml = no
    apache::with_mod_php_dom = no
    apache::with_mod_php_bc = no
    apache::with_mod_php_transsid = no
    apache::with_mod_php_curl = no
    apache::with_mod_php_mhash = no
    apache::with_mod_php_wddx = no
    apache::with_mod_php_gdbm = no
    apache::with_mod_php_versioning = no
    apache::with_mod_php_snmp = no
    apache::with_mod_php_odbc = no
    apache::with_mod_php_mbregex = no
    apache::with_mod_php_mbstring = no
    apache::with_mod_php_pear = no
    apache::with_mod_php_exif = no
    apache::with_mod_php_iconv = no
    apache::with_mod_php_sendmail = no
    apache::with_gdbm_ndbm = yes
    apache::with_shared_core = no
    apache::with_shared_chain = no
    apache::with_debug = no

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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