On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 07:29:30PM -0300, Alexander Belck wrote:

> There is realy a huge difference in size. The modular apche is about 300K, while
> the one I build in OpenPkg is about 6M. Normaly I see several instances of
> apache running (about 10 as setup in httpd.conf).
> I was wundering if using OpenPkg static version of apache will consume about 60M
> of my ram, or will it be smart enouth to share the common code and consume
> juste a bit more than 1 copy of apache ?

It will share the common code but it won't share the data which
also grows with the number of modules.

> I'm afraid that OpenPkg static aproch isn't a good aproach for an (eaven small)
> ISP, where several instances of apache with lots of possible modules will be
> needed.

Two observations:

If your modular apache is about 300K then it doesn't load or use
all the modules. So why build them into the static binary ?

Building apache with all modules is a bad idea anyway. Most things
served will be static pages, but the process serving static
pages has to carry the weight of all the modules. You should think
about a more flexible approach and use several apache instances
together, each tailored for a specific purpose. With OpenPKG you
can do this easily by creating several OpenPKG instances.

N.B. Yes, this approach wastes disk space, but it helps a lot
maintaining such an installation which is more important even
for a small ISP.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
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