Mr Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When you talk of daemons Arch uses /etc/rc.d for start up scripts so I
> could write one to start openpkg if required ...or add it to rc.local
> What I need to do is some load up openpkg (read the manual lol)
> Which version do you suggest I try first ?

Before doing anything try and build the openpkg install binary from
the openpkg bootstrap shell script.

i.e. Download

attempt to build the bootstrap package:

sh --prefix=/openpkg --user=opkg --group=opkg

This will build you a file which you can install and acts as the base
openpkg rpm.

If this DOES NOT work then provide us with feedback as
to the error message and any relevant information you think may be

If it DOES work then you use openpkg itself to install/build the rpms
you need. It is generally easier to use get openpkg-tools built as
this package automates the whole process of satisfy dependencies,
download, build & install.

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