Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If it DOES work then you use openpkg itself to install/build the rpms
> you need. It is generally easier to use get openpkg-tools built as
> this package automates the whole process of satisfy dependencies,
> download, build & install.

Just as a follow on it might be useful to suggest more explicitly in
the OpenPKG handbook at the end of chapter 6 (Installation of
Packages) that the manual installation of packages can often be
automated if openpkg-tools is installed first.  This makes the general
installation and upgrade procedure much simpler, and reduces errors.

I think most people(?) use openpkg-tools to upgrade/build, and it's
use is documented but the explicit openpkg build order suggestion:

1. Install openpkg
2. install openpkg-tools dependencies (make, gcc, perl)
3. install openpkg-tools
4. install other rpms using openpkg-tools

is never provided and I think would help new users work out "how to
get going".

I had this problem and found that openpkg without openpkg-tools is not
much better (except for the multiple architecture issues) than
standard rpm.  openpkg + openpkg-tools is like rpm with yum/apt which
is _much_ easier to manage and works on multiple architectures.

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