in case of someone else wants to use postgis too: i've just uploaded three source-rpm into the contrib-area of the ftp-server:
they allow to build the postgres-extension postgis as a shared library which then is used by postgresql-dbserver to support spatial data.

i know that shared libraries are not the preferred way in openpkg, but
i don't feel deep enough into openpkg and the postgresql rpm to try an integration of the postgis-extension into the postgres-rpm. maybe someone else wants to continue here.

the packages are only minimal tested (just the distribution tests, if any) and only on the linux plattform (debian 3.1).

the with_jdbc-option of postgis allows to create jdbc-drivers for postgis. it depends on java and the original postgresql-jdbc-driver. since there are multiple jdk versions and postgresql-drivers available, this option just depends on a unspecific "JDK" prerequirment and expects the postgres-jdbc-driver as "postgresql.jar" in /share/java.

thanks for your help and for openpkg,

Ralf S. Engelschall schrieb:
On Tue, Feb 21, 2006, Andreas Schmidt wrote:

postgis has no configure-option to build a static library.
but since postgresql-openpkg-rpm creates a static library for the
plpgsql extension, i expected that postgis would run too.

but when i activate a postgis-function in postgres i get an error:

ERROR:  could not load library "/opt/pintomap/lib/":
/opt/pintomap/lib/ undefined symbol: _Znwj

it seems that the shared library misses needs c++-libraries.

Yes, seems like the GEOM library from GEOS requires C++ stuff.

this makes
sense, since geos is written in c++. unfortunatly i have no idea how to
link the c++-stuff to the shared library. i tried to add c++-support to
postgresql by using the build-option with_cxx, but that didn't change

Adding C++ support to PostgreSQL just means that the C++ bindings for
PostgreSQL are built. What you need is that the PostGIS+GEOM+PROJ
DSO has to be linked against something like libstdc++ to resolve all

since i'm still quite unfamiliar with building openpkg-rpm any hint is

You first have to build GEOM and PROJ statically and then fiddle around
with the LIBS and LDFLAGS of PostGIS to make sure that libstd++ is
added, too. And the resulting DSO only has to have unresolved symbols
for PostgreSQL symbols. But I can imagine that all of this requires some
larger hacking efforts ;-)
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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