Am Montag, 20. März 2006 13:32 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
> Using OpenPKG 2.5
> I had two cases where failures
> to start have not been recorded in the log,
> nor OpenPKG spit out an error.
> a) cyrmaster did not start because of hitting a 2 GibiByte limit
> in the master logfile
>     /kolab/bin/cyrmaster &
>     echo $! >$imapd_pidfile
> In this case it seems that the echo command exit code will be transfered
> and the cyrmaster exit code is lost.
> If so, this looks like a bad bug.

Well this was a bad example because of the backgrounding,
but in rc.openldap the exit codes seem to be lost:

E.g. the exit code for slurpd:

 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

but also the one before for slapd.
I suggest adding checks for the exit codes for this daemons.
Probably all rc.* scripts need an audit if exit codes are lost.

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