On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, 19:51 GMT+02 Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 04, 2006, Robert Allerstorfer wrote:

>> Would it be best to get started on RHEL3 to fetch
>> ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.5/UPD/openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.src.sh
>> and do a
>> 'sh openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.src.sh --prefix=/openpkg --user=openpkg 
>> --group=openpkg'?

> Yes, exactly. The provided binaries are for bootstrapping (in case
> no build environment is available at all) and emergency (you have
> to recreate an instance at 3am ;-) situations only. For all other
> situations stick with the source RPMs. OpenPKG's focus is on those
> anyway.

Thank you for confirming that. I have now successfully installed
openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2 on ix86-rhel3 by just executing

$ sh openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.src.sh --prefix=/opt/openpkg --user=openpkg 
$ su root -c "sh openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.ix86-rhel3-oop.sh"

which went smoothly. Very easy and well guided steps! To make things
more handy, I then did

# echo "alias openpkg='/opt/openpkg/bin/openpkg'" >> /etc/bashrc

so I just can enter 'openpkg' instead of the full path to it when
using it (takes effect after the next login).

>> (...) can I completely
>> uninstall OpenPKG, including removal of the new users and crontabs, by
>> doing a
>> '/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm -e openpkg'
>> (just in case there is a reason for that)?

> Yes, of course! OpenPKG is 100% non-intrusive to the underlying OS. It
> has just six small connection points (file /etc/openpkg, 3 lines in
> /etc/passwd, 3 lines in /etc/group, a few lines in the root crontab, a
> run-command script and the filesystem top-level directory). It does not
> touch anything else in your OS and those connections points are removed
> under "/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm -e openpkg" again, too.

Very good to know. For those who are interested in, I have examined
these 6 connection points as follows:

(1) a presence file pointing to the top-level directory of the OpenPKG
$ cat /etc/openpkg

(2) the top-level directory of the OpenPKG instance, as indicated in (1)

(3) 3 new users:
# grep openpkg < /etc/passwd
openpkg:x:1000:1000:/opt/openpkg OpenPKG 
openpkg-r:x:1001:1001:/opt/openpkg OpenPKG 
openpkg-n:x:1002:1002:/opt/openpkg OpenPKG 

Question: Why do the 3 new users need openpkg's bash as their login

(4) 3 new groups:
 # grep openpkg < /etc/group

(5) 5 entries to the root cron table:
# grep '<OpenPKG' -A7 < /etc/crontab
# <OpenPKG prefix=/opt/openpkg pkg=openpkg>
# chronological tasks of /opt/openpkg OpenPKG hierarchy
0    0  1  *  *  root  [ -f /opt/openpkg/etc/rc ] && /opt/openpkg/etc/rc all 
0    0  *  *  0  root  [ -f /opt/openpkg/etc/rc ] && /opt/openpkg/etc/rc all 
0    0  *  *  *  root  [ -f /opt/openpkg/etc/rc ] && /opt/openpkg/etc/rc all 
0    *  *  *  *  root  [ -f /opt/openpkg/etc/rc ] && /opt/openpkg/etc/rc all 
*/15 *  *  *  *  root  [ -f /opt/openpkg/etc/rc ] && /opt/openpkg/etc/rc all 
# </OpenPKG>

(6) a run-command script

Thank you for adding these facts and the possibility of "openpkg rpm
-e `openpkg rpm -qa`" to the Installation Tutorial at

Best wishes,

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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