Hi, I noticed that the last version of OpenPKG providing binaries for ix86-rhel3 is 2.4 (distributed in ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.4/BIN/ix86-rhel3 - for registered users only). I am new to OpenPKG and want to try it out on a ix86-rhel3 production server. Thus, I think it should be wise to begin with the latest official version which is currently 2.5. However, there is no more ix86-rhel3 directory in ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.5/BIN/ (it has been replaced by ix86-rhel4).
Would it be best to get started on RHEL3 to fetch ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.5/UPD/openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.src.sh and do a 'sh openpkg-2.5.2-2.5.2.src.sh --prefix=/openpkg --user=openpkg --group=openpkg'? Will the further steps mentioned at http://www.openpkg.org/documentation/tutorial/ still work on RHEL3? Assuming I have successfully executed all 3 steps listed in the "Bootstrap From Source" section of that tutorial, can I completely uninstall OpenPKG, including removal of the new users and crontabs, by doing a '/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm -e openpkg' (just in case there is a reason for that)? Thanks for clearing things up before I may risk something I am not yet aware. cheers, rob. -- ______________________________________________________________________ The OpenPKG Project www.openpkg.org User Communication List openpkg-users@openpkg.org