skaar <skaar <at>> writes:

The OpenPKG subversion spec file has at least build support for
python/ruby bindings, although at this point they only build, but will
not work. Likewise, it's not currently possible to produce a working for use with Apache2.

In the past there has been a couple of postings from people who has
built the entire subversion package as shared, but this pretty much
breaks with the general philosophy of OpenPKG.

What seems to be the best approach is to build both the language
binding libraries and web_dav_svn/authz as shared objects, with
libraries and objects they depend on statically linked in.

I've had this on my list to do for a while, but not had time to look at
it. It's not straight forward how to get the subversion build to do
this mixed shared and static compile.

Anyone else on the list had a look at doing this? Among other things,
we could get Trac added to OpenPKG if we solved this.


I just spent the last 2 days re-familiarizing myself with openpkg just so I could get trac + subversion 1.4.0 installed with apache2+mod_dav_svn+openssl.

Is this thread from 7th/11th June 2006 still relevant? How can I go about accomplishing the above? I see one response suggesting it might be doable.

I'm using openpkg-2.20061018 on Solaris 8/SPARC.


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