On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

Is this thread from 7th/11th June 2006 still relevant? How can I go about
accomplishing the above? I see one response suggesting it might be doable.

I'm using openpkg-2.20061018 on Solaris 8/SPARC.

AFAIK until now nobody has investigated on how to get mod_dav_svn.so
building in the "subversion" package. Feel free to come up with a
"with_dav" build-time option which provides this functionality in a
portable way.

We don't use openpkg much in our environment. For this specific project, I tried openpkg to avoid manual compilation of the dependencies, and hopefully save time 8-)

Since it's been a while since I played with openpkg, it will take some effort to get myself up to the point where I can attempt this. I'm afraid after spending the whole weekend on this, I don't know if I can devote any more time to it 8-(

But in practice you usually don't need mod_dav_svn.so: for commit access
via svn://<hostname> one can just run the plain "svnserve" (which is
supported out-of-the-box by the "subversion" package) and for Web
browsing via http://<hostname> one can install "cvstrac" (the cool
application you see running under cvs.openpkg.org, too) which also just
fine supports Subversion repositories (actually it works with Subversion
even better as with CVS due to the global revisions in Subversion ;-)

apache + mod_dav_svn gives us more flexibility in terms of clients, user authentication (LDAP is important), etc. Admittedly, I don't have much experience with svn, but this is my general impression of how I should set it up based on discussions with our developers.

I was looking at trac for some of the functionality outside of pure source code management/browsing, but I will take a look at cvstrac as well.

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