On Tue, Jan 01, 2008, Alain Spineux wrote:

> Here is what I did, but need more advice to complete!  My patch
> (candidate) is a the end.
> I thing the package should be "install&play", just install and then
> connect to http:/.........../webmail
> and it should works. Do you agree ?

Yes, of course!

> To make it works Here is what I want to include in the patch :
> - Add a squirrelmail.conf into apache to add a '/webmail' alias
> - Replace index.php, because the original one check for config/config.php,
> but openpkg don't have such directory, all configuration is in /etc
> - Provid an option with_kolab and a compatible config_local.php to make int
> plug&play with kolab.
> - force config.php to read config_local.php from /etc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] SM_PATH . 'config_local.php';
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'config_local.php';
> Any advice ?

Just go for it, sounds reasonable!

PS: The /etc above hopefully means <prefix>/etc, right?

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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