tommytian wrote:

I have two targets :
1. Create a PKCS7 message using certificate and private key store in aladdin
etoken on Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4.
2. Create a PKCS7 message using certificate and private key store in  Mac OS
X KeyChain Store.User can use Mac Tool that named Keychain Access to view
the certifivate information.

First target is done, I use Libp11 and Engine_pkcs11 to get private key from
etoken, and give this privative key to openssl, and openssl to create a
PKCS7 message.

Now I am doing second target. I can't find using Mac Native KeyChain API to
create PKCS7 message.

I suppose use Mac native keychain API get the certificate information and
private key, and convert it to pkcs11 format. and then use same way with
first it possible? any suggestion?
Guess not: pkcs11 is not a format but an API...

Perhaps you better check the apple-cdsa archives, or ask on that mailing list.
We only built a tokend, but never used the KeyChain API or CDSA directly.


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