
Don't anything about Portuguese eID but:

> ...
>This works perfectly when using a regular reader. When using a pinpad  
>reader it works also, but a "minor annoyance" occurs: the reader asks  
>for 4 PINs (instead of the regular 3) and I think this can cause  
>confusion to the users.

>If I'm not mistaken, 1 PIN is asked  for the SC_PIN_CMD_VERIFY apdu  
>and the 3 other PINs are asked for the SC_PIN_CMD_CHANGE apdu.

With your description it seems true.

>I've been trying to understand part10_modify_pin_block() in reader- 
>pcsc.c, but I still don't know exactly what is needed to change its  
>behavior to support correctly this card.

I don't think that the matter is in reader-pcsc.c, I think you should

have a look on Portuguese eID in command " pin_cmd " the SC_PIN_CMD_CHANGE

is probably slip in two parts  SC_PIN_CMD_VERIFY + the SC_PIN_CMD_CHANGE

just disable the SC_PIN_CMD_VERIFY when reader is pinpad capability...

>Can anyone help?

>Thank you.


Hope this can help you,

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