
On 02.10.2009, at 13:45, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:

> Hello,
> 2009/10/2 Martin Paljak <>:
>> Maybe we should try
>> working with apple to get libopensc and the tokend to be included  
>> in OSX?
>> leaves me the impression  
>> that
>> maybe, just maybe, apple is also interested in working  *with* the  
>> open
>> source community and not just publish the source they use and hope  
>> that
>> somebody fixes the bugs they introduce? Given the fact that OpenSC  
>> supports
>> many European eID cards there is a good reason why to treat  
>> OpenSC.tokend on
>> a par with PIV/CAC tokend-s, except unlike PIV is not of interest  
>> to the US
>> federal buyers.
> I am one of the team members [1] of the SmartCardServices project on
Seen that, but it does not state your relation to it. Are you on the  
payroll of Apple in some ways and responsible for pcsc-lite/ccid stack  
or as an external maintainer?

> Once "we" have decided if we want to go this way we should ask Shawn
> Geddis (from Apple and also member of the SmartCardServices project)
> what he thinks about the idea.
I've touched the topic in a private mailing but never got a reply.

It would anyway cover either only static OpenSC.tokend or maybe  
libopensc+OpenSC.tokend. But until that happens, what, why and how  
should we put into our own installer?
The reason for a custom OpenSSL was apparently DSO support, which is  
built into OpenSSL 0.9.8 on Snow Leopard => we have the option of  
dropping OpenSSL, IMHO.

What do you think should be put into "SCB" (Maybe instead "OpenSC  
installer for OS X" ?)?

On one hand, it could be as slim and clean as possible. On the other  
hand it could be a feature-rich package of ready to use applications  
bundled into it.

For a OS X installer I would hope to see some end-user friendly stuff  
in it, meaning things with a GUI or things that patch only system  
components (like PKCS#11 and Tokend) for GUI applications. For a "way  
to install all the nice pieces of unix software if you're a unix guy"  
I would actually prefer to have a fink/macports solution.

It could be compared with FUSE and MacFUSE and MacFUSE provides the  
SSHFS components (like SCB currently includes a custom SSH version)

Martin Paljak

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