2009/10/2 Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee>:
> Bonjour,
> On 02.10.2009, at 13:45, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
>> Hello,
>> 2009/10/2 Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee>:
>>> Maybe we should try
>>> working with apple to get libopensc and the tokend to be included in OSX?
>>>  http://smartcardservices.macosforge.org/ leaves me the impression that
>>> maybe, just maybe, apple is also interested in working  *with* the open
>>> source community and not just publish the source they use and hope that
>>> somebody fixes the bugs they introduce? Given the fact that OpenSC
>>> supports
>>> many European eID cards there is a good reason why to treat OpenSC.tokend
>>> on
>>> a par with PIV/CAC tokend-s, except unlike PIV is not of interest to the
>>> US
>>> federal buyers.
>> I am one of the team members [1] of the SmartCardServices project on
>> MacOSForge.org
> Seen that, but it does not state your relation to it. Are you on the payroll
> of Apple in some ways and responsible for pcsc-lite/ccid stack or as an
> external maintainer?

I am not on Apple payroll. Just an external maintainer with an
interest in a working PC/SC layer on Mac OS X.

>> Once "we" have decided if we want to go this way we should ask Shawn
>> Geddis (from Apple and also member of the SmartCardServices project)
>> what he thinks about the idea.
> I've touched the topic in a private mailing but never got a reply.

Shawn is sometimes _very_ slow to answer.

> It would anyway cover either only static OpenSC.tokend or maybe
> libopensc+OpenSC.tokend. But until that happens, what, why and how should we
> put into our own installer?
> The reason for a custom OpenSSL was apparently DSO support, which is built
> into OpenSSL 0.9.8 on Snow Leopard => we have the option of dropping
> OpenSSL, IMHO.

The idea to put (part of) OpenSC on the SmartCardServices project is
to have it included in a future version of Mac OS X. So no installer
is needed, it is installed with the operating system.

> What do you think should be put into "SCB" (Maybe instead "OpenSC installer
> for OS X" ?)?
> On one hand, it could be as slim and clean as possible. On the other hand it
> could be a feature-rich package of ready to use applications bundled into
> it.
> For a OS X installer I would hope to see some end-user friendly stuff in it,
> meaning things with a GUI or things that patch only system components (like
> PKCS#11 and Tokend) for GUI applications. For a "way to install all the nice
> pieces of unix software if you're a unix guy" I would actually prefer to
> have a fink/macports solution.

I think SmartCardServices is not the right place for a feature rich package.
We should continue to host such a package on opensc.org


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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