I think it is best to have:
* disable -> don't even try
* enable -> needs to be there
* detect -> see if it is there

with "detect" as default.
(or if we want to keep it simple: only detect, no enable/disable.)

and it would be nice to have a big fat warning, if neither pcsc
nor openct was found/enabled (unless both were explicit disabled
 - ignore this if it is too much work).

> But for sure disabling pcsc if openct is enabled is bad idea, as users
> may like them both and you start to add some of YOUR logic into the
> build process.

having both is ok, it is the common case for distributions, and
thus it must continue to work.

> I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish... people who build
> from sources should know what they are doing and are notified which
> options are enabled at configure summary.

yes and no. few people still compile from source and most are distribution
packages, and they should know what they do, and notice any bigger changes.

still a few people compile opensc themself, and do that without looking
at the documentation first. if everything is disabled unless turned on
with a configure option, it looks like configure/make/make install worked
fine, but the result is something they can't use.

adding a big fat warning for such people (if neither openct nor pcsc is
found), or a "detect" as default (at least for pcsc and manybe also openct),
is a good thing. 

> Distribution packages will use whatever they like and users will
> always have working environment.

yes, but distribution packages have a limited amount of time for
each package too.

so I suggest:
1.) stay compatible, in case they fine tuned their parameter already.
2.) add some warnings or better default for users not reading the 
documentation first. (maybe also check docs and update them if needed.)

I think ludovics change does that. 

Regards, Andreas
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