
On Apr 12, 2010, at 20:41 , Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> thanks for the offer, but I guess I can't make it to linuxtag in berlin
> this years, as I already have other plans for that weekend.

OK, some other time and place then.

> my suggestion would be fosdem. I haven't been there so far,
> but from the news I read it seems to be the most active meeting
> for developers of all kinds of projects. it is away far enough
> so we have enough time for planing and preperations. the only
> downside is: it is quite far away: february next year.

Fosdem would be nice indeed. For one thing, I don't think that OpenSC belongs 
strictly to the Linux theme, more like "generic open source" or security. But 
Linux events usually have the best overall spirit. Another option might be some 
reasonable barcamp style event, if it has a good theme and a good location. 
Location is important, as for people in EU it should be somewhere "central" or 
well connected with easy/cheap connections flights/trains. As much as I like 
Athens for example, it is somewhat far.

>> If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know. If you think
>> that my focus on end-user and eID can lead somewhere we should not go or
>> I'm somehow otherwise biased, please voice your opinions as well.
> I still hope to find sime time for opensc too, some of the things I would
> like to work one (if I find time) are:
> * documentation. something small to ship with tar.gz files and install
>  with distributions deb/rpm files. maybe in docbook/html/pdf/man whatever?
For Linux/Unix, man pages would be the best, in addition to 
README/INSTALL/COPYING style standard files.

> * working example code: people often ask for examples of ssl sessions with
>  smart card authentication. so we should provide that is possible, maybe
>  for all major ssl kits (openssl, gnutls, nss).
As it seems, GnuTLS has experimental support for PKCS#11, which only exists in 
an old release. I did not find any references to PKCS#11 in the latest (2.8.6) 

NSS has deep connections with PKCS#11 and it should be straightforward for 
anyone who works with NSS and/or belongs to NSS docs. With OpenSSL it is 
trickier, especially if the engine interface is used (which, again, belongs to 
OpenSC lists and wikis).

But of course, nice code examples on how to use OpenSC PKCS#11 (and thus all 
generic PKCS#11 code examples) would be nice to have.

> * developer documentation. I'm thinking about gathering commands to reflect
>  the common operations, create log files with APDUs, decode them and thus
>  build some document that shows what opensc does in detail, and what code
>  needs to be written for new drivers to reproduce that.
Developer documentation as OpenSC developer documentation or something else? 
Something that would help analyze Windows drivers or proprietary drivers?

> * maybe also write / help with acos5 driver.
Somebody said he is working on an ACOS5 driver. Have not heard anything since 
then. But I'd gladly like to help as much as possible anyone who steps up with 
the intention of writing a driver as well.

I'm personally more interested in proper JavaCard support (has various vendors) 
than for a single card. 

Martin Paljak

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