On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 00:59, Andre Zepezauer <andre.zepeza...@student.uni-
> This particular card isn't important at all. But it shows, that the
> select_file function doesn't work for an iso card. I had to write code,
> to read the contents of this one. But I really would like to use
> opensc-explorer for such a task. For example:
> cat 2F00
> cat 2F01

I still think it wouldn't be bad if you could give an example of what
does not work and what does, because then, perhaps, someone would be
willing to help implement the missing (or wrong) functionality –
especially as you've already written your own code.

As far as debit cards are concerned (EMV), my experience is that
opensc-explorer does not work because it tries to select the Master
File upon startup. A small patch to let the user choose a different
file, or not file at all, at startup, would overcome that. (Surely
there would be other problems later.) I'm unsure about your example of
"cat 2F00, cat 2F01", because I'm under the impression that EMV cards
use file selction by name (and not by file ID), but I may very well be
wrong here.

> There is still the question, if this is the right place for a command
> not defined by iso. My answer is clearly not, because:
> 1. Iso defines CLA 0x80 as proprietary which means, that every vendor
> can code it's own proprietary commands in this class. Which in turn
> leaves the possibility, that two different vendors define the same apdu
> command in two completely different ways.

Yes, this is possible in principle, although many sensible COS
manufacturers (or even developers writing BasicCard/JavaCard applets)
would question the opportunity of defining a proprietary command
overriding an international standard (EN 726) that's been in place for
so long. But the point is moot, because…

> 2. Not even a single card driver overrides iso_ops->give_random. So
> every driver would send this command down to the card. Which is not a
> good idea (see point one).

…as far as I am able to tell, this means that no driver at all will
ever send this command to the card, until someone decides to use it
somewhere in the code.

That said, I'll reiterate: if give_random is significantly
controversial, I won't object to removing it, as it isn't being used.


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