On Aug 17, 2010, at 7:20 PM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 10:08 +0300, Martin Paljak wrote:
>> For example, try to explain why the ISO GET CHALLENGE code from year 2001 
>> reads the random from the card in 8 byte chunks?
> Because it's the most generic solution, that will work on every card.
More likely that the code has been there since 2001 [1] and nobody has ever 
needed it or questioned it.

What this basically means is that a lot of code is really old [2] and has seen 
zero improvement for years. Which is not bad per se, as "don't touch things 
that work" but what also means that a lot of code is slowly dying. Static code 
is dead code.
Code that nobody knows why it exists or does something in a peculiar way that 
is hard to explain and without comments is bad, bad code. Especially if the 
original authors have left for new challenges long ago.

I believe most cards can give a challenge for a full APDU size or at least 
64-apdu_header_size bytes and save a few host<->card roundtrips. But a short 
peek in the OpenSC source reveals that the function is not really used at all, 
at least not for the original purpose (getting a challenge from the card for 
authentication purposes) but for random data generation. I would assume that 
the challenge used for mutual authentication would need to be asked in a single 
chunk instead of multiple small chunks.

Nevertheless, I don't believe that the implementation of iso7816_get_challenge 
is correct, but don't rush to fix it either, because it seems to work for what 
it has been used for this far.

Same applies to iso7816 select_file. Apparently the incomplete or incorrect 
implementation has not been the itch that needs scratching. Patches that fix 
(I'm sure there are many fixable issues in code) and/or improve OpenSC are most 

[1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/changeset/89
Martin Paljak

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