Hello Andre,
On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> Improving opensc that way, that it has a greater awareness of the pkcs15
> structures on cards is a goal of mine. If this is the development you
> ask for, then I could do it. A second goal is, to use these cards
> according to the information found in the pkcs15 structures (on card). 
I'm sure we all agree that better and more complete support for PKCS#15 and 
related standards (ISO7816-15, IAS-ECC etc) is a wanted thing, 

> In the long term this will hopefully let to a plug and play experience,
> where a completely new (but still initialised) card will instantly work
> with opensc. Without any hacks and emulations of course. That's all
> pkcs15 is about. Isn't it?
Hacks and emulations are in place because some cards (like the Estonian eID) 
were created before PKCS#15 existed. And several others hacks exist because 
vendors tend to interpret standards their own way, or partially or just don't 
care about them.

Yes, as identification smart cards and vendor companies and software becomes 
more widespread, hopefully they will be more standards compliant. But as some 
people have already expressed: I would not become too excited about them, as 
this far often real (personalized) cards have been the reference 
implementations you need to follow, not standards.

Then again, this does not forbid OpenSC from being a top-notch PKCS#15 
implementation. Just start rolling in those nice patches.
Martin Paljak

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