On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 10:14 +0200, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
> Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> > On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 17:50 +0200, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
> >   
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>
> >> Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> >>     
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> attached is a patch which makes it possible to explicitly request
> >>> specific algorithms for the cryptographic operations. The advantage is,
> >>> that if the token provides sufficient information about itself, then the
> >>> driver is not required to do any guess work. Which in turn could result
> >>> in a more reliable operation of libopensc. Furthermore there could be
> >>> positive effects in terms of compatibility with tokens not initialised
> >>> by opensc.
> >>>
> >>> My recommendation is to test/improve this patch in an experimental
> >>> branch or something like that. The reason for this is, that
> >>> ALG_REF_PRESENT is not in use since revision 177 and I assume a lot of
> >>> drivers to misbehave or crash at first.
> >>>   
> >>>       
> >> Few remarks about your patch.
> >>
> >> Private key can be used with more than one algorithm.
> >> So, IMHO, in the 'sc_pkcs15_prkey_info' it's better to have some array with
> >> the references to the crypto algorithms supported by PKCS#15 card (and 
> >> defined in tokenInfo).
> >>     
> >
> > Not a good idea, I think. Because the sc_pkcs15_prkey_info structure
> > should also be the input of the prkey-Encoder. Remember that the
> > standard allows only one reference per key. If the encoder gets an array
> > of references, then all references of this array must be dropped except
> > one. Which one?
> >   
> Can you develop, please?
> Prkey-Encoder? One 'key reference' or 'algorithm reference' per key?
> > 1) The scenario you described would also be possible through a direct
> > lookup of TokenInfo.supportedAlogrithms.
> >   
> The algorithms supported by key is not the same as algorithms supported 
> by PKCS#15 card.
> The first one, in general, is the sub-set of second.
> > 2) Another point to mention is, when using X.509 certificates the
> > algorithm to use is fixed by the certificate. For example:
> > "SubjectPublicKeyAlgorithm := PKCS#1 SHA-1 With RSA Encryption"
> > Because X.509 is predominating at this time, there is little use for
> > multiple algorithms per key.
> >
> > 3) And there is the CKM_RSA_X_509 algorithm, which allows for every kind
> > of padding and hashing with a single key.
> >   
> It can be the cases when private keys are created (or key slot 
> allocated) before the corresponding certificate is imported
> and without knowledge about the future usage of these keys.
> For this reason and for the sake of simplicity, there are can be the 
> keys that are able to accept different algorithms -- 'general purpose' keys.

And after key generation you have to populate the information about the
newly generated key (to be able to find this key later). In case of a
p15 card you have to create the appropriate on card data structures. And
now you could be in trouble. Because p15 allows ***exactly one***
algorithm per key to be specified.

As stated in point 3) above, use CKM_RSA_X_509 for 'general purpose'

> The question is -- should PKCS#15 structure reflect the real key 
> attributes or only the 'useful' ones?
> > Looking at all these facts, I think a single reference per key should
> > work fine in almost every case.
> >   
> It's this 'almost' that I'm a little bit worried about.
> >> The same concerns security environment (SE) -- the number of algorithms 
> >> can be defined in one SE.
> >>     
> >
> > Haven't worked on this.
> >
> >   
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Andre
> >>>       
> Kind regards,
> Viktor.
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