On Sep 1, 2010, at 12:59 AM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> what do you think of dropping the possibility to initialise CardOS smart
>>> cards in 0.11.14? The reason of doing so, is to stop the production of
>>> more of these questionable split-key cards.
>> What would be the rationale of doing it? I don't think turning it off is a 
>> good idea, but a fat warning ("Use a more recent version!") could be used, 
>> if justified and needed (why?).
> If nobody is willing to write a proper pkcs15-emulation for split-key
> cards, then the support of it is dropped someday. But why should this
> ever happen? Because the remaining split-key specific code [1] may slow
> down new developments or prevent some kind of improvements in
> framework-pkcs15 and other places. Not yet, but for sure.
> Every change on framework-pkcs15 (maybe in other places too) must take
> split-keys into account. Therefore developers are forced to work around
> this strange concept for years. Hopefully not as many years.
> To disable the initialisation with split-keys now makes sense, because
> it will prevent the population to grow. In my opinion this is the best
> what could been done. Also it will prevent people form _accidentally_
> initialise with split-keys.
> *to disable initialisation with split-keys in 0.11.14 may rise the
> awareness of the new method in 0.12.X
> *everyone who wants longer support can use 0.12.X for initialisation
> *everyone who wants to initialise with split-keys can do this with
> the releases up to 0.11.13
> Since there is a better method of initialising CardOS, why not pushing
> that?

Disabling functionality is not OK for a point release. A Big Fat Warning when 
using --split-keys is IMO enough in this case.

Is it possible to upgrade split-keys cards? Something along the lines of [1]

[1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/changeset/4516
Martin Paljak

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