On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 19:00 +0300, Martin Paljak wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> > And when this portable brakes, can I use the TPM (with keys on it) in a
> > replacement part?
> The situation is no different if your SD card breaks.
> Or the TPM chip on the motherboard breaks - you do not get your keys, nor is 
> it easily replaceable.
> From good key management perspective, the MTBF of your portable might be 
> longer than a paranoid re-keying period.
> (People use crypto are usually a bit paranoid so you should care about 
> re-keying. Companies use crypto if they have assets to protect and money to 
> lose. Unlike people at home, companies usually have procedures and plans for 
> key management, something that home users usually ignore)
> Business continuity, including proper key management and PKI, is hard :)

How can the best "plan for key management" help, if for example a laptop
breaks on an international business trip _and_ the keys were stored on a

With keys on a removable device (SD card for example) "business
continuity" would be guarantied as long the affected person is able to
get a replacement device.

Martin have you realised, that we haven't discovered any single
disadvantage of SD smart cards so far?

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