Viktor TARASOV wrote:
> Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
>> On 2010/12/07 16:03, Martin Paljak wrote:
>>> On Dec 7, 2010, at 4:41 AM, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
>>>> On 2010/12/07 2:36, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> Here the OpenSC dlls are installed into 'system32'.
>>>>> Can an alternative method, like changing of the 'PATH' variable, be also 
>>>>> acceptable (for MSI)?
>>>> This is bad, bad, bad. Especially since it also copies the OpenSSL dll in
>>>> system32, and that breaks a lot of things. It should install in the main
>>>> directory under c:\Program Files/ and add the bin directory to the PATH.
>>> Some software is very picky about the location from where it wants to load 
>>> certain modules, cryptographic modules being one of those things.
>> Any specific examples? Both Firefox and Thunderbird work just fine with 
>> PKCS#11
>> on the PATH, and not in System32. Copying stuff in system32 was deprecated 
>> ages
>> ago. There is nothing special about a PKCS#11 DLL: unlike a Windows CSP, it 
>> is
>> not signed, there aren't any special check AFAIK (at least in Mozilla 
>> software).
> The Gemalto and Oberthur (in the recent versions) middlewares install
> their DLLs into the 'Program Files'.
> My hidden motivation to do the same for the OpenSC MSI is that I do not
> managed to build the MSI
> that un-installs the DLLs installed in system32. The update and
> un-update of the PATH variable works remarkably good
Hello Martin,

can you validate r4936, please?

I propose to install OpenSC stuff into the the '\Program Files\OpenSC 
and install pkcs11-spy into the '\Program Files\OpenSC Project\PKCS11-Spy'

Kind wishes,

Viktor Tarasov  <>

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