On 12/07/2010 10:43 AM, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
> The Gemalto and Oberthur (in the recent versions) middlewares install
> their DLLs into the 'Program Files'.
> My hidden motivation to do the same for the OpenSC MSI is that I do not
> managed to build the MSI
> that un-installs the DLLs installed in system32. The update and
> un-update of the PATH variable works remarkably good.

Victor, that's a very good idea to use standard MSI generated with WiX!

Instead of adding 'Program Files\OpenSC' directory to PATH, it might be
better to put all the deps (libopensc.dll, zlib.dll, iconv.dll, etc)
into WinSxS [1] and only put the pkcs11 libraries in 'Program
Files\OpenSC'. Polluting global DLL namespace (either by putting DLLs in
Windows\System32 or adding DLL files to PATH) makes it very hard for
other packages to ship DLL files with the same names.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side-by-side_assembly

Hope this helps,
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