Dear all,

> We can't vouch for what a proprietary driver or CSP can or should do with 
> cards initialized with OpenSC. If the proprietary software does not claim 
> PKCS#15 conformance, there's nothing to do.

What do you mean by claim PKCS#15? Does it require a flag?
I am sure that Feitian PKI card is PKCS#15 compliant.

If you initialize the card under Windows, 
it will work under any PKCS#15 environment.

> Feitian is a proprietary card with no documentation, so it will be difficult 
> unless they provide a patch.

Sure. Feitian is very reactive. Usually they answer in 24 hours.
Also they contributed the Open Source driver.

> This is UUID format, it should be just an opaque unique identifier.

Do you think this is what Windows expect?
Which flags does Windows 7 expect?

For example, I am sure that there are a number of flags for smarcard
logon. Do you know where this is documented?

> If the proprietary driver implements PKCS#15, it should be possible and is 
> one of the goals of OpenSC.

> Changing such flags should be possible via profile.
Can you give an example?

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze -

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