On 08.01.2011 16:11, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
>> But OpenSC implements the emulation of pkcs15 and pkcs15init and thus
>> this card can be initialized and used by OpenSC and can stay
>> compatible with the native middleware.
> I want to make sure, so that everyone understands: the Feitian PKI can
> be initialized and used under GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOSX.
Can you precise -- initialized with the native middleware from the card's 
producer? OpenSC? both?

> It is only that initialization under Windows gives additional flags.
Initialization under Windows with the native middleware gives additional flags 
that are not present in the card initialized by OpenSC ?

> I would like to know the importance of these flags for Windows OS. It
> seems that the Windows OS requires some flags and this is not yet
> documented on OpenSC mailing list. I suspect these flags to allow
> smartcard logon and so on.

I don't think that you can get the answer otherwise
then asking card producer or
by comparison of the resulted on-card file system for the cards initialized by 
'native' and by OpenSC middlewares.

> Kind regards,

Sorry if I do not answered your question,
kind wishes,

Viktor Tarasov  <viktor.tara...@opentrust.com>

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