On 14.01.2011 18:36, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 18:31 +0100, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>> On 14.01.2011 17:53, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 17:31 +0100, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>>>> On 14.01.2011 16:51, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 16:00 +0100, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>>>>>> On 14.01.2011 15:17, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 14:14 +0100, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 14.01.2011 13:37, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 10:20 +0100, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello Andre,
>>>>>>>>>> On 14.01.2011 04:24, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> please have a look at PKCS#15 "6.8.2 Pin objects" for the 
>>>>>>>>>>> definition of
>>>>>>>>>>> local and global PIN objects. There is no mention of storage 
>>>>>>>>>>> location.
>>>>>>>>>> There is mention of 'path'.
>>>>>>>>>> The difference between 'global' and 'local' is that the first one 
>>>>>>>>>> can be verified from any location on the card,
>>>>>>>>>> the second one is 'visible' only from somewhere under the DF (or 
>>>>>>>>>> application) where it's defined.
>>>>>>>>>> So, we need (or, if you like, it's useful) to have 'path' defined 
>>>>>>>>>> for the local PINs, to be able to select it's path before 
>>>>>>>>>> verification.
>>>>>>>> My previous assumptions comes from this citation.
>>>>>>>> It seems that I am terribly missing something. Can you give more 
>>>>>>>> details?
>>>>>>>>>>        From PKCS#15 6.8.2 Pin objects:
>>>>>>>>>       "PinAttributes.path: Path to the DF in which the PIN resides. 
>>>>>>>>> The path shall be selected
>>>>>>>>>        by a host application before doing a PIN operation, in order 
>>>>>>>>> to enable a suitable
>>>>>>>>>        authentication context for the PIN operation.
>>>>>>>> That's 'local' PIN.
>>>>>>>>> If not present, a card-holder verification
>>>>>>>>>        must always be possible to perform without a prior `SELECT' 
>>>>>>>>> operation."
>>>>>>>> That's the global one.
>>>>>>>> So we desperately need the 'path' for the local PINs. So that 'host 
>>>>>>>> application' can select the path
>>>>>>>> 'before doing a PIN operation'.
>>>>>>>> You probably know another way to do verification from the random 
>>>>>>>> location on the card ?
>>>>>>> Take Java Card with PKI applet as an example. Once the applet is
>>>>>>> selected, it is possible to perform the VERIFY command from every
>>>>>>> location within that applet. That's 'local' PIN too. Because it's only
>>>>>>> valid for that applet but not for the whole card.
>>>>>> OK, let us adjust the terminology.
>>>>>> I am talking about the PKCS#15 card. This card starts from some MF, 
>>>>>> where exist EF.DIR, probably EF.ATR, ..., as well as application DFs.
>>>>>> The AID of application DFs are present in the EF.DIR records.
>>>>>> The global PINs are defined at the MF level or above, the local ones are 
>>>>>> defined in application DFs.
>>>>>> In my comprehension to create/use the PKCS#15 objects you don't need to 
>>>>>> jump higher then MF, and thus to reset status of 'global' PINs.
>>>>>> You have another vision, examples ?
>>>>>>> BTW care must be take with re-selecting an applet in Java Cards, because
>>>>>>> it may invalidate all previously verified PINs.
>>>>>> The AIDs of the applets of your Java Card, are they present in some 
>>>>>> EF.DIR ?
>>>>>> Can its be discovered by the procedure previewed by PKCS#15 ?
>>>>> You only need to have a default applet that can handle "SELECT 2F00" and
>>>>> "READ BINARY" to dump EF.DIR. The next command would be a "SELECT BY
>>>>> NAME", which is handled by the runtime environment and switches form one
>>>>> applet to another. Now you can proceed with 5031 and 5032.
>>>> Well, it seems that we are talking about the same thing.
>>>> We've gone away from the original item.
>>>> Do you have something against committed proposal to complete the missing 
>>>> 'path' for the local PINs when decoding AODF ?
>>> Yes, the patch you have committed is a fix for cards not following
>>> PKCS#15 and ISO 7816-15. Therefore it is placed wrong. Your current
>>> proposal effects every card not only the broken ones.
>> Explain me please how it effects the other cards.
>> The other 'normal' cards
>>    - for the local PINs they have 'local' set in their pinFlags and have the 
>> 'path' in pinAttributes;
>>    - for the global PIN they have no 'local' in pinFlags and have no path in 
>> pinAttributes.
>> There are 'anormal' cards that for the local PINs have flag 'local' in 
>> pinFlags, but have no 'path' in pinAttributes.
>> My proposal concerns these ones.
>> Please, give me a detailed description of the PinAttributes that can be 
>> effected by this proposal.
> Local PIN with no path required.

1. If no path required, it means that it can be verified from every where in 
the card --  it's the global PIN.

2. Have you seen such a card ? Can you post here it's AODF ?

3. Finally, if no path required, selection of some path will not a effect it's 

Viktor Tarasov  <viktor.tara...@opentrust.com>

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