Il 29/04/2011 13:49, Viktor TARASOV ha scritto:

> Please, precise what standards are you talking about?
PKCS#15, ISO7816 and every applicable one.
>  From your point of view, where the UPDATE access to 4402 and friends should 
> be defined ?
Since UPDATE refers to an existing object, it belongs to that object.
But CREATE, being referred to a non-existing object, should belong to
container (parent) object.

> For me this discussion is about coherence in usage of the OpenSC tools, of 
> the OpenSC libraries and profiles .
> Profiles are not to be changed inside the card lifecycle .
If a profile is used only when creating objects, then there's no need to
have it at all when just using a card (w/o creating new objects on it).
But it seems that the need to change profiles is quite common, since
"options" have been included.
It's not "good" that problems arise if I create a card using
pkcs15+onepin and a user creates a key using just pkcs15 profile!

> If user is asked for the $PIN (User PIN) the prompt should show an 
> appropriate (more or less) label.
> The same for SOPIN.
So, if I specified -a 02 to -G, I should get prompted for "label of pin
with ID = 02" (in my case CHV2, that I use as "user auth", while CHV1 is
"card auth" to limit access to creation and deletion of objects on card).
Till now, the only way I could find to obtain that is to change the
profile before generating the key (and making sure that profile-given
PIN and -a -given PIN are actually the same object, or PKCS#15 data and
object-acl gets out of sync).

> Afaiu, your card can return all necessary information to authorize some 
> operation.
> Your profile 'should not be' asked for the ACLs of an existing file/objects.
Then it's OK.
> If it's not like that, get us look at the extended logs or the detailed 
> description of your actions.
Didn't dig this deep into card-specific code.

>>> Actually, when using pkcs15-init, one needs to choose the '--auth-id' 
>>> corresponding exactly to the ACLs settings in the profile .
>> Forgot to ask: then why allow the user to specify it?
> Historical reasons ?
This should not be a compelling reason. If my vars patch works, it
becomes quite easy to convert "--insecure" to "-d auth=NONE" and "-a 01"
to "-d auth=CHV1".
> Difficulty to deduce the auth-id from the real ACLs for the 'usefull' object 
> operations ?
I have to look at how "real ACLs" look like.
> If you see how to improve it -- heartily welcome.
I think the vars patch I'm preparing could be useful for that...

>> As I see it, profiles should only be used for creation of objects. All
>> the infos needed later should be sccessible throught PKCS#15 (or other
>> standards) descriptions, or even set by card drivers...
> I'm absolutely agree -- 'should be' .
> But, for a while have take into account that not all cards can.
Those, then, should be "emulated" by a *fixed* profile.

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