On 28/04/2011 20:23, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

>> Maybe I could try to write a patch to support $AUTH (or something more
>> generic, see below) for this purpose?
> Yes you can.
Ok. On TODO.

> You have a reason, probably we'll need to introduce a new auth method.
> The one that could be overwritten with '--auth-id' and used to define access 
> for the operations with objects/object-data-files.
> I don't think that it can be more general.
> It has to be used only for the operations for which the access could be 
> described in PKCS#15 xxDFs -- with authId, accessControlRules, ...
I'd go for a new parameter, then. Too bad -D is already taken. Falling 
back to --define MACRO=value . Or maybe -m/--macro MACRO=value?

> We cannot replace $PIN macro with the one that can be modified by '--auth-id'.
> $PIN macro can be used to protect, for ex. the xxDF files itself,
Well, I don't see why it shouldn't work :)

> and pkcs15init can (in theory) address the card profile to find out the 
> access condition for DFs or xxDF files.
Urgh! That's not good. :( Access conditions for existing objects should 
only be read from card... Profile should only be used for new objects...

> It will expect the $PIN value that has been used at the 
> creation(initialization) time.

> Needs more reflexion.
Yup. Before starting to code, it's better to clarify all aspects.
Just popping up: CREATE acl, IIUC, must be set on the PARENT DF, not on 
the EF (that doesn't exist yet...).

>> $PIN is ambiguous...
> $PIN should be read as $USERPIN
That makes sense only in onepin option or when just PIN and SOPIN exists.

>> Even better, something like
Handling of this syntax will be in another patch :)

> Actually, when using pkcs15-init, one needs to choose the '--auth-id' 
> corresponding exactly to the ACLs settings in the profile .
> Otherwise the PKCS#15 description will not correspond to the real ACLs .
> It's not quite friendly .
It seems quite dangerous and error-prone, to me...

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