Le 30/05/2011 10:20, HOURY William a écrit :
> Hi Viktor,
> It's not working either...
> I put the cardmod logs attached. It's very small ...

Have you possibility to test the same scenario with the minidriver of another 
producer ?

> Thanks
> Will

Kind regards,

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Viktor Tarasov [mailto:viktor.tara...@gmail.com]
> Envoyé : dimanche 29 mai 2011 17:50
> À : Viktor TARASOV
> Cc : opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org; HOURY William
> Objet : Re: [opensc-devel] First Smartcard logon issue on XP SP3 with OpenSC 
> 12.1
> Hello William,
> Le 26/05/2011 20:38, Viktor TARASOV a écrit :
>> I'm also actually looking into this logs and it seems strange the after 
>> releasing of context it starts to read the cardcf .
>> In any case the 'zero' cardcf can be disturbing for baseCSP.
> Another 'feature' is when the 'HANDLES CHANGED' event happens, the 
> disassociate/associate card procedures pair called,
> and 'cardcf' content is cleaned but not re-initialized. That's where from 
> there is 'zero' content.
> Could you please try the following test patch .
> With this patch the cardcf content is deduced from the 'last_update' 
> attribute of the token info data,
> and not from the minidriver internal data. So that we'll avoid a 'zero' 
> content of cardcf.
> Also the initialization of  'cardcf' content is moved from 
> CardAcquireContext() to the associate_card() procedure .
> Kind regards,
> Viktor.
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