Am Freitag 19 August 2011, 11:56:13 schrieb Martin Paljak:
> Hello,
> On Aug 18, 2011, at 12:11 , Hans Witvliet wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Perhaps a ludicreous question, but i post it anyway...
> > 
> > Some creditcard companies or banks supply their customer with cards plus
> > pin-code in order to identify themselfs during financial transactions.
> > 
> >> From my focus i presume these look like ordinary smartcards.
> > 
> > Can these cards also be used for anything else?
> > 
> > Did anybody ever looked at them this way?
> > It is not that i would try to temper with them, but if these are safe
> > enough to be trusted by a bank, why could i not use them for instance,
> > for setting up a vpn?
> You might want to study EMV DDA

SDA/DDA is a mechanism used for authenticating credit card transactions
in the card / terminal / processor setup (or for offline use: card/terminal).

the new mechanism for online banking with chipcard, reader and pin are
something different - thought they might be build on top of EMV spec.

so reading up on DDA won't help you.

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