-----Original Message-----
From: opensc-devel-boun...@lists.opensc-project.org 
[mailto:opensc-devel-boun...@lists.opensc-project.org] On Behalf Of helpcrypto 
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 9:04 AM
To: Hans Witvliet
Cc: opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org
Subject: Re: [opensc-devel] banks

AFAIK, it depends on your bank card relationship

We use a bank card, that can be used for payment and cash retrieval,
and also used for authentication process.
The card is customized for our company, and has the "euro6000" logo.

The workout its the following: the card has 2 applications (DF
according to 7816 standard), one for EMV, the other one for our own
Some guys, a long time ago, designed the content of our card and now
im the responsible of developing and mantaining the PKCS#11 interface
for auth and sign on Win/Linux/Mac.

Does that answer your question?
-----Original Message-----

Wow, that is what would call seriously "user friendly".
And an example for others...

Could you (offlist, as the list is non-commercial) disclose me the name of the 


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