On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Viktor Tarasov
<viktor.tara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fine,
> if possible, keep us informed about your successes (or else) with your 
> application.
> It's interesting to get know more about usage cases.

Here's an update:

I can successfully read certificates from these CardOS 4.4 cards now
in Windows 7 x64.  The certificates read correctly, and their trust
shows good with our CA.  However, I receive an error when attempting
to use them for digitally signing an email in outlook.  I've attached
a screenshot of the error received.  This same error occurs on any
system I test a card on, and has been tested with multiple smart cards
and certificates.  These certificates are the same certificates we
already use with our existing SafeNet USB tokens, so they are known
good, and can be used both for windows logon and email

Are there any event logs or debug logs I should try to gather to
determine the cause of this error?


<<attachment: sigfail.png>>

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