Frank Cusack wrote:
> For example, if I had some key/cert on the card (and I know it can only
> exist on the card -- this might happen before it is shipped to me or in
> bulk secure provisioning on site) that is not able to be used for anything
> externally.  ie, you cannot encrypt,decrypt,sign or verify any external
> data with this key/cert.  But when you ask for a CSR, there's actually a
> CSR APDU -- not a software generation of CSR then asking the card to sign
> the CSR.  You pass the relevant attributes to be included in the CSR, and
> the card itself adds some signed data as a CSR attribute which the CA can
> verify.  There is no way for the user to add that signed data to a software
> CSR because the key used to sign that data is not available to the user.
> That's just a way I thought of, maybe there is some other way as well.

The current (but under revision) Swedish eID card includes a scheme
like this. The card is delivered with a special key+cert which is
meant to authenticate the card when it is enrolling.

So far for the theory. In practise I've seen zero software solutions
use this key+cert. I guess there may be one at the police (they issue
passports and this card) but..

> It seems it would be a good advantage to be able to do this, you could
> provision on demand at an insecure station, instead of (e.g.) having a
> secure station and provisioning with a single-use PIN.

OTOH you need special cards and special software on the insecure

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