Le 19/02/2012 10:50, Peter Stuge a écrit :
> Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
>> 1) The ePass2003 code was reviewed by Viktor and included in his branch.
>> You probably did not know, did not compile, did not test and therefore
>> Viktor's work is ignored.
> This is appropriate in my opinion, because I do not think that the
> commits are ready for inclusion in the main OpenSC repository,
> regardless of the fact that Viktor has included them in his.
>> He needs and deserves write access to OpenSC main GIT to speed up
>> development.
> I disagree, if he considers the epass2003 commits I looked at to be
> of acceptable quality.

The ePass2003 commit has been re-factored before creating the SM+ePass2003 
to make it compatible with the general SM framework and to correct some of the 
coding style issues.

>> The reasons is that we need more new features, more beta testers.
> You disregard the topic of code quality, which I think that is
> unacceptable in particular for a security related project.

Just to remind,
the overwhelming part of the ePass2003 commit is concentrated in it's own new 
module (card driver) .

>> Locking a project to a small number of developers is not good.
> There is no locking. Please get that idea out of your mind. Everyone
> can create commits. But as I have tried to give several examples of,
> obviously not every commit should automatically be included in the
> main repository - which is in principle what you advocate.

>> IMHO, the way OpenSC used to be organized one year ago was superior,
>> because there was a central repository with all new features. More beta
>> features, more testers, larger market and superior quality.
> More code = more bugs.
>> This is no longer the case and each developers works in his corner.
> If that is the case, it is so because the active developers do not
> communicate with each other. As you've mentioned, communicating is
> important. Committing to the main repository is never the start of
> communication, it is what concludes communication.
>> The only collaborative work is what you call "peer review".
> I'm not sure how much review actually happens.
>> So my opinion would be to allow each developer to commit changes to the
>> main GITHUB staging (developing) branch after discussion. Like it used
>> to be the case using SVN.
> Replace branch with repository and I see no problem. But sharing a
> sandbox is significantly less convenient than each developer having
> their own repository/ies, while also exchanging commits with each
> other. It is perfectly fine for each developer to have one or even
> more repositories. Please understand that this is the nature of git,
> and actually the nature of development work. One person has focus on
> one thing at a time, in their corner. After they finish, it is of
> course important to do show and tell, get review comments, rework the
> code, and repeat until consensus.
>> And make sure OpenSC is not only owned by one or two people. This
>> cannot ever happen, we don't agree with this privatization.
> Who are "we" ?  I don't care if OpenSC has just one committer, as
> long as code quality is a high, if not the highest, priority.
>> The organization should be like:
>> * 4/5 committers
>> * 10/20 code contributors and developers
>> * 100 beta testers
> The problem with this organizational diagram is that neither you nor
> anyone else can magically generate competent developers with lots of
> spare time. People contribute what they can when they can. You can of
> course hire developers, but if your recruitment process is strict, so
> as to find only really competent developers, you will discover
> quickly that they are quite rare.
> //Peter
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