Le mardi 21 février 2012 à 00:44 +0100, Peter Stuge a écrit :
> No need for token, but thanks for the offer! :) The code that already
> supports the device is instead what I would look at. Is it available
> online? 

Sorry, it is not publicly available.

I am confused about this discussion, because at first you ask us to
flash the ePass2003 with another firmware, then we tell you that Feitian
HID tokens are already available and you are not interested because ...
kernel driver is not perfect under Linux.

At GOOZE, we stick to CCID.
Good luck with your project.

I hope that we will be able to collaborate more on OpenSC main branch
without being too picky on solutions.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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