On 2/27/2012 1:54 PM, Andreas Kroehnert wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> I think its more beneficial to respond to this list, rather than just your 
> comment you left on the blog.
> The little OpenCT patch I've done was originally done for the "standard" ikey 
> 4000 (04b9:1206). But should also work for the "non-standard" one 
> (04b9:1400). I am not sure what to order at SafeNet to get the 1400 one, 
> could be the old CIP initialised, kinda old-school version, but I am not 
> sure. However all 4k tokens I've collected over the years, even the latest, 
> come with a PID of 1206. (Which actually should be an ikey 2k series PID. To 
> mess it up even more SafeNet now renamed/rebranded the ikey 4000 to eToken 
> 5000)
> Back to topic: In general its claimed that regardless of the PID, the 
> ikey4000 / SC400 is a CCID compliant device, but I never got it to work using 
> libccid.
> While developing the first attempt of the patch I was confused why the ATR 
> from the card contains a trailing byte before it continues with 0x3B... Might 
> be that this is messing up the CCID compatibility. For the moment I've just 
> chopped that first byte off and the card mostly responds as expected.
> It's also said that once the ATR has been sent the card shall behave 
> according to PIV for most commands. I wasn't able to confirm that either as 
> of now.

PIV? Really?  If so it should respond to the NIST 800-73 part 2
SELECT Card Command with the AID of the PIV application.
You can try this opensc-tool command to see if it responds
with a PIV application on the device:

opensc-tool -s 00:A4:04:00:09:A0:00:00:03:08:00:00:10:00:00

What does it return?

If their goal is to have this device as a PIV and usable on Windows,
I would expect to be CCID as well.

> So far I got some new commercial assignments, so I didn't have a chance to 
> continue with the development. The next stage (as said in the blog) is to get 
> OpenSC patched to support the card.
> I am happy to provide the code I've done so far, unfortunately I've done it 
> on a VM that is now on a crashed RAID, which I switched off to wait for 
> replacement disks before I make any recovery attempts. Which should hopefully 
> in the next few days.
> Kind Regards
> Andreas
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