On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Nguyễn Hồng Quân <quanngu...@mbm.vn> wrote:

>  Hi Viktor,
> On 05/21/2012 05:10 PM, Viktor Tarasov wrote:
>  > 2: The current driver emulates SELECT and READ BINARY APDUs
>> > by reading from the corresponding Data Objects. I believe this
>> > was done in order to emulate a (read only) PKCS#15 file layout.
>> > If that was true - is there any hope to extend this emulation?
>>  Yes, but it seems that this emulated file layout does not match the
>> PKCS#15 very well, leading to the problem which I described in this
>> topic
>> http://www.opensc-project.org/pipermail/opensc-devel/2012-May/018018.html
>  Card specific emulator do not emulates the file system but exposes the
> pkcs15 objects with their attributes.
> These attributes genarally contain some 'path'.
> This 'path' can-be/is treated by the card specific libopensc driver.
> I think this is right for pkcs15 binding in libopensc folder, but not for
> pkcs15init binding in pkcs15init folder.
> For example, here is how I expose the certificate object, located at path
> "3F007F21", to pkcs15:
>     sc_format_path("3F007F21", &cert_info.path);
>     strlcpy(cert_obj.label, "Cardholder certificate",
> sizeof(cert_obj.label));
>     r = sc_pkcs15emu_add_x509_cert(p15card, &cert_obj, &cert_info);
> However, when come to pkcs15init, the path is read from the
> pkcs15.profile, then openpgp.profile, and it is "3F0050157F21" instead
> "3F007F21" (the additional 5015 comes from pkcs15.profile). I have not
> found a way to intervene the path reading to change "3F0050157F21" to
> "3F007F21" (what the lower driver needs) yet.

5015 comes from your pkcs15init profile
where your crypto objects are put inside the 'DF PKCS15-AppDF'.

Path for this DF is not defined in openpgp profile,
so, it takes it from the upper profile -- pkcs15.profile.

Never tried it myself, but you can try the openpgp profile without

Beside the absence of pkcs15init support, afais,
> the openpgp libopensc driver have no support for any operation
> that could change the card's content: write, update, delete, generate,
> import, ...
>   At low level, the OpenPG card uses PUT DATA command instead of UPDATE
> BINARY to write content. I implemented that put_data function for OpenPGP
> driver in my github repository (
> https://github.com/hongquan/OpenSC-OpenPGP/commits/openpgp).

If you are going to use the common pkcs15 and pkcs15init framework ,
you have to fill at least the 'write' hadle with the meanigfull actions .
Inside this handle the 'PUT DATA'  or else can be used -- it's doesn't

> Regards,
> Quân
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