Il 25/05/2012 11:51, Aventra - Hannu Honkanen ha scritto:

> ACR122U reader gives a different ATR than a contact reader for the same dual
> interface card but otherwise the reader works just like a contact reader
> with PKI cards. If you force usage of the myeid driver, it should work. 
Perfect. I'll *try* not to brick another card, this time. I promise. :)

> There is an API specification for the reader available at ACS's website, ATR
> generation is explained there: 
That's the one I used to "decode" Mifare ATR.

> Maybe we should add this ATR to card-myeid.c. Could someone with access to
> the sources help and modify it like this?
> static const char *myeid_atrs[] = {
>       "3B:F5:18:00:FF:81:31:FE:45:4D:79:45:49:44:65",
>       "3B:F5:18:00:00:81:31:FE:45:4D:79:45:49:44:9A",
>       "3B:85:80:01:4D:79:45:49:44:78",
>       "3B:89:80:01:09:38:33:B1:4D:79:45:49:44:4C",  
>       NULL
> };
For now I'll edit my local copy, so I can use it.
BTW couldn't it be better to keep ATRs in a config file?

> The last ATR is from another version of ACR122U. I think it is possible to
> affect the way the ATR is generated by altering the "PICC Operating
> Parameter" of the reader. BTW, bytes 4D:79:45:49:44 which are present in all
> of the ATR's are the text "MyEID". 
That's what made me think

>> Is it possible to make that reader handle multiple cards "in parallel"
>> (both placed on the reader)?
> I don't think it is possible and haven't tried it, but ACS lists "Built-in
As usual I like pushing things to their limits... :)

> anti-collision feature (only 1 tag is accessed at any time)." as a feature
> of the reader. It probably means that the reader selects one card and
> ignores others in its range. Even if that would be possible by hardware, I
> don't know how you could access multiple cards in the same reader through
> PCSC. 
The idea would be to use different slots. But there's a problem
(probably): when you send HaltA to a card, login status gets lost, like
it's been extracted (well, the app is yours and probably you could make
it keep the state between HaltA and wakeup, since it's still receiving

PS: any way to define a sign pin (so that it have to be re-entered after
each crypto op -- useful with pinpad readers)?

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